After all the yummy Easter chockies and goodies, I’m sure many out there are after healthier or lighter meal options for the next few days. Going for a lighter meal option does not mean one has to starve after having a good time loading on all the sugars, Carbs and what-nots.

On days when we feel the need to cut down on our Carbs intake, life can be quite miserable for some of us. I try to make my meal options as colourful and as filling to the tummy so I won’t have further cravings after meals. One of the many options I fix for myself is by making a hearty salad so I’m full and most importantly, it’s packed with proteins and it’s still yummy, like this Chopped Salad Medley.



Chopped Salad Medley


It does not take long to prepare at all and is quite refreshing for the body, especially after having several consecutive days of sweets and high caloried goodies. I normally use a bit more lemon juice and freshly ground pepper for that extra zest! There you go, a healthy, filling salad packed with protein, which does not leave you craving further. Other options for this Chopped Salad Medley would be to vary the vegetables used! It is after all a Chopped Salad Medley!

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